Kintsugi: Materials and Repair Process

kintsgi layering process with bengara urushi lacuqer

Kintsugi is a Japanese restoration method for porcelain, ceramic & stone pottery. Dating six thousand years ago, it’s a culture that endured instability, war & turmoil, becoming more widespread during the Muromachi period (1336 – 1573) among tea masters who saw beauty in breakage.

The technique involves re-assembling broken vessels & covering amended broken surfaces with gold, silver, brass or titanium. From the restoration method to the depths of the philosophy, it has served a purpose in Japanese society. During war times, vessels like bowls & plates were in low supply, so Kintsugi became essential to maintain daily activities. In modern times, it is mostly practiced as an artform to repair vessels of significant emotional & spiritual value.

In coming years, it has the potential economic benefits by creating human jobs of far reaching implications in therapy, food safety, medicine, waste management, carpentry & others yet to be discovered under modern research.

Kintsugi Terrace strives to do a brief yet proper introduction to the method, starting with materials.

urushi tree lacuqer, traditional kintsugi materials

Traditional Kintsugi Materials

Traditionally, all materials throughout the process are natural, no synthetic glues or epoxy are used. The cycle of energy & organic matter must be preserved to remain one with the Earth. The process involves a table & chair, pieces of stone & ceramic, brushes & a handful of handcrafted wooden tools.

The lacquer is in the center of it all.

  • urushi

As the character suggests, 漆 is a type of tree that produces a lacquer: the lifeblood of Kintsugi.

  • 生漆 ki urushi

Also known as raw urushi, it is the pure lacquer slightly processed into a ticker fluid: the base for all forms the lacquer takes throughout the restoration.

  • 捨て漆 sute urushi

Ki urushi thinned with turpentine oil, used in the first step to create more adherent surfaces on the broken edges. 「捨て」 pronounced su te, means “to throw away”.

  • 糊漆 nori urushi

Ki urushi mixed with steamed rice cake into a mochi-like paste. It is the structural base that glues the pieces back together.

  • 錆漆 sabi urushi

Ki urushi mixed with a ceramic powder called tonoko 「砥の粉」 into a playdough-like consistency. It is molded to fill missing parts & cracks.

  • 黒漆 kuro urushi

Black lacquer is applied for water proofing & surface matching.

  • 弁柄漆 bengara urushi

Ki urushi mixed with red iron oxide pigment to form a red fluid applied to fixate the finishing powder to the surface.

  • 室 muro

An enclosed cabinet, traditionally made of sugi 「杉」, a Japanese cedar, where vessels rest while the lacquer cures under specific temperature & humidity.

kintsugi repair bengara urushi lacquer

Traditional Kintsugi Repair Process

Mastery of the process takes years of experience, as every piece is unique in shape, weight, width & texture. Discipline, attention to detail and a delicate touch are the foundations of this complex technique.

First, the restorer pre-assembles & labels the broken parts as to understand how the pieces fit & how many parts may be missing. Then, they will disassemble the parts & file the broken edges, a key step for proper lacquer adherence.

The traditional Kintsugi method is then ready to begin:

  1. Coat broken edges with a thin layer of sute urushi;
  2. Glue pieces with nori urushi, firmly assembling the broken parts one-by-one; Then, the vessel rests in the muro for seven to ten days;
  3. Scrape excess dried nori urushi;
  4. Apply sabi urushi on uneven surface areas & gaps between broken lines & chipped areas; Carefully molding it to match the vessel’s surface. Then, the vessel rests in the muro for seven to ten days;
  5. Sand the sabi urushi covered surfaces with sandpaper & suru ga zumi charcoal 「駿河炭」 to smooth the transition between the vessel & the lacquer;
  6. Apply an average of three coatings of kuro urushi to the connecting areas filled with urushi, sanding with charcoal between each coating. The vessel rests in the muro for seven to ten days between each coating;
  7. Paint a thin layer of bengara urushi on the dry & evenly sanded urushi areas. Then, the vessel rests in the muro for approximately fifteen minutes;
  8. Sprinkle finishing powder on the bengara urushi covered areas with a silk wool (a silk ball), gently brushing over, applying the powder over the urushi areas. Repeat step 7 with soft strokes in circular motion. Then, the vessel rests in the muro for seven to ten days;
  9. Clean up excess gold from the unbroken surfaces of the vessel to complete the process. There are additional steps to achieve a polished look, which I’ll explain in later posts.

There are additional steps to achieve a polished look, which I’ll explain in later posts. The entire restoration takes a minimum of two months.

In conclusion to this brief introduction to the basics of traditional Kintsugi, it is certainly a complex technique which requires significant discipline, time & effort. I hope this introduction helps you begin understanding &, hopefully, further develop an appreciation for Kintsugi art.

Here is the link to see kintsugi artwork: The Art

Get in Touch

Do you have any vessels with memories and stories in your home?
Keep beautiful memories alive and create new ones by preserving the items that support us along the way. Please feel free to ask any questions about Kintsugi services and Japanese traditions. Contact us via email at
